Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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+1 -800-456-478-23

English For Life
Unfreeze Your English

Unfreeze Your English to Have a Small Talk

While you’re at your work place, communication with colleagues is mostly restricted to business talks and knowledge transfer. However, because of your social nature, you also intend to connect with them personally. You feel the same during your business meetings across the globe. You meet new international clients, colleagues and want to share with them […]

English For Life
Native Speakers

Means to Understand English of Native Speakers

Effective means for understanding fast-speaking natives For many years, until now, non native English speakers seem to have utmost difficulties in understanding native English speakers. Building up linguistic competency to the extent of native speakers is not restricted to salient grammatical features of the language or accents and is therefore regardless of the linguistic level […]