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Trusted Solutions Methodology
100% new content, our best-selling course
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Ease the stress of speaking in English

The best-selling course

The best-selling course for teenagers provides new and exciting content that is delivered using the successful methodology of the previous editions.

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This course offers

This course offers a brand new comprehensive listening syllabus as well as word skills lessons, allowing students to master key listening sub skills, expand their vocabulary, and become confident communicators.

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Solutions turns all

students into active learners, by offering a rich variety of learning opportunities for a whole range of abilities through extension and revision activities in all components giving everyone a sense of achievement

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The Solutions approach to teaching and learning English is based on the 'motivate, activate, achieve ’ objective.


  • Interesting and diverse content keeps students fully engaged and motivated
  • Create inspiring lessons with a wealth of additional resources, including optional lesson openers, culture lessons, and project work
  • ‘I can’ statements and unit reviews encourage students to reflect on their progress, and recognize their achievements


  • New comprehensive listening syllabus activates every student, whatever their level, and helps to develop confident communicators
  • Supported approach to speaking and writing build students’ confidence
  • New word skills lessons encourage students to use new vocabulary


  • Regular exam practice and preparation activities, as well as specific ‘exam skills trainer’ sections in the student’s book, ensure that students are well prepared for their exams
  • Critical thinking and project work develops skills for the real world
  • Skills development and recycling new language helps every student succeed
  • A broad range of lesson types focusing on key skills, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, and writing, all with 100% new content
  • NEW listening and word skills lessons in each unit help to develop confident communicators
  • Exam skills trainer prepare students for typical school-leaving/Cambridge tasks, and provide them with the language, strategies, and exam skills they need to achieve success
  • Extra grammar support, with grammar builder providing additional practice exercises and grammar reference pages allowing learners to check grammar rules
  • Workbooks providing further lesson-by-lesson practice of the material taught in class, with additional listening practice
  • Material for every Culture lesson reinforces the grammar and vocabulary being taught and presents it in a different, student-appealing context