We combine information-rich topics, state-of-the-art-methodology, and a modern blended package to provide the complete course for the 21st century adult and young adult learner.
Our contemporary, information-rich topics appeal to today’s learners seeking future success in social, professional, and academic arenas.
The state-of-the-art methodology is backed up by latest research and practical teacher feedback to promote accuracy, fluency, and development of all four skills.
The innovative approach to reading and listening with targeted, language-based activities helps learners improve their ability in comprehension.
Our PACKAGE is unique, lively and enjoyable lessons are renowned for getting students talking. Perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course’s world-renowned methodology.
Teach practical, real life English that is relevant to your students’ lives with new topics and themes grounded in today’s reality.
Bring unit topics to life with the new unit opener page which include inspiring photographs and accompanying video introductions engage students with the unit topic.
Download and adapt material for your students with the Teacher’s Resource Centre which provides all your Headway resources, stored in one place to save you time.
Students can look again at activities from previous lessons, do extra skills practice, and check their progress with instant feedback.